
This weblog contains vignettes about my life with my deceased wife Barbara. Each vignette will be a puzzle piece which when  looked upon as a whole is a picture of a beautiful life together. “For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health till death do we part.” That is the vow we took at our wedding ceremony. We remained faithful to the vow til the moment Barbara passed, and left me to “get on with my life.”

All I want the reader to know about me will unfold in the postings of this log, and that I was deeply in love with Barbara. I remain so. She was the light of my life, and continues to give me spiritual inspiration.

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One thought on “About

  1. Hi. I’m just reading over this blog and your other one. You sound like such a devoted husband. I’m sure your wife knew that she was loved. 42 years! Wow, what a life you had together. I read in this blog so many good things that came from your life with Barb. I hope you can continue to dwell on the good things that God has given you. I can’t imagine losing someone after 42 years, so I won’t even pretend to know what to say about that. You sure are an interesting guy and I love all your cartoons, gardening, and cooking tips. You have so much to offer! God gave you those talents and skills for a good reason. Thanks for sharing them with those who read. I am touched by your life and reading about your wife. She sounded like a very wonderful wife and mom. 🙂 Take care.

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